Friday, June 27, 2008

reading and math

I've been noticing in the past two months that Sebastian has been reading words here and there. Today he realized that he could read the words "play all" on a dvd. He then told me that he had been reading a book with Meredith (I had seen them on the couch at the cottage together - very sweet!). He said that once Meredith told him what some words said, he was able to remember them and that he could recognize the word go, whether written with an uppercase or lowercase g. He seemed excited by this so I asked him if he would like some readers like Meredith's and he quickly answered yes. I'm eager to see where this leads for him. He has been showing more and more signs of wanting to learn to read but never in such an obvious way.

He, Meredith and Nell were also really into doing chores to raise money for a dinghy. This lead to counting their money and tallying it up. Sebastian had spent much time with a math story book on this a few months ago which had lead to him learning to count by 5's, 10's and 100's. We had looked at the way you can add columns of numbers but he had never been interested in actually trying any on paper. He seemed interested in watching as I showed them how I was adding up the numbers and they both helped me. I've really been feeling that he might be ready to learn some more math concepts and more difficult operations. He has been practising adding into two digit numbers by himself. It can get confusing for him using his fingers so I think it might be time to pull out the cuisenaire rods. I got them late last fall but he was not interested at the time so I put them away for a bit. He really has seemed to be inspired by the nicer weather these last few weeks. He's moving away from technology (craving lots of video games and computer time) and remembering all of the many other things he loves to do.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been having a very difficult time this spring finding the right balance between everyone's needs, housework, and really just life in general. I've often felt that we have been too busy, even as nothing seemed to be getting done. Today, finally, we had a day that just felt right. Our plans changed several times as the day went on, due to the weather, but that just made things easier. I've really been struggling with trying to figure out how much autonomy I want Sebastian to have and at the same time, being comfortable and supportive with his decisions.

Today I did a bit more of telling him what we were going to do (read stories, clean up, go outside for a snack, just basic stuff) and of course it lead to him spending more time with Ayla. I think what happened is Ayla then spent less time being pesky trying to get his attention. (although one time she attached a belt to a board he was hammering and kept on pulling it away from him - I had to giggle to myself at that one!)

Ayla didn't nap which was nice and I think led to even more housework getting done as I engaged her to keep her busy and happy. I think I'm going to try to encourage this type of routine more throughout the summer and see how it works for us.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

my 3 year old

Ayla, you are three today. In so many ways I just can't believe you are three already and in so many ways, I just can't believe you're only three! You are such an incredible person of energy and charisma. Every day you amaze me and challenge me. Your opinions are strong, your will even stronger. You love people. I was talking with Sebastian yesterday and we both agreed that in your eyes, you've never met a stranger. You routinely stand on our sidewalk and talk to everyone who passes, whether on foot, bike or car. You are so sure that everyone wants to talk to you! I love the confidence that you have.

You've been going through a period lately, where you want me close to you most of the time. I've been really trying to embrace this and enjoy it, because I know it will be all too fleeting. Happy Birthday my crazy girl! I love you!!