Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been having a very difficult time this spring finding the right balance between everyone's needs, housework, and really just life in general. I've often felt that we have been too busy, even as nothing seemed to be getting done. Today, finally, we had a day that just felt right. Our plans changed several times as the day went on, due to the weather, but that just made things easier. I've really been struggling with trying to figure out how much autonomy I want Sebastian to have and at the same time, being comfortable and supportive with his decisions.

Today I did a bit more of telling him what we were going to do (read stories, clean up, go outside for a snack, just basic stuff) and of course it lead to him spending more time with Ayla. I think what happened is Ayla then spent less time being pesky trying to get his attention. (although one time she attached a belt to a board he was hammering and kept on pulling it away from him - I had to giggle to myself at that one!)

Ayla didn't nap which was nice and I think led to even more housework getting done as I engaged her to keep her busy and happy. I think I'm going to try to encourage this type of routine more throughout the summer and see how it works for us.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

you are one awesome mom and I only hope that I can do for Everett what you have done for Sebastian and Ayla! Glad you found the balance and I hope that my crap doesn't ever throw you off!
Love ya!!