Sunday, December 7, 2008

my seven year old

You are seven now, Sebastian. You are a bundle of contradictions these days. So eager to be a big boy; developing your sense of humour, testing limits, trying out new interests and hobbies. And at the same time you are so tender and caring; kissing your sister whenever you can sneak one in, really loving the time you spend with younger cousins and friends, eager to help smooth things out when anyone in your family is having a hard time.

I feel so honored that I have gotten to watch you grow and develop all of these wonderful traits. I so look forward to all that is to come, especially since you assured me today that you are still "my baby". I love you so much! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Okay, seriously can you post something that won't make me cry with either hilarity or mainly, your beautiful words. It is amazing to me that you can capture Bash so well in only 2 paragraphs. You write beautifully.