Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I just finished reading through the blog of a woman I was good friends with as a teenager. In August she completed a race called the Ultraman Canada. It is held over three days. The first day she swam 10 km and biked 145km. The second day she biked 274km. The third day she ran 83km (that's the same as TWO marathons - in one day - after the first two days - yah). She's 33 and has two daughters who are 8 and 6.

I have been slacking off on my running over the last three or four months. I've been tired, busy, blah, blah, blah. The pounds have been creeping back on, to the point where I'm avoiding looking in the mirror. I'm am in awe of my friend, and feeling inspired and motivated. I've been toying around with the idea of training for another half-marathon this winter, and if that all goes well, and I stay injury-free, going right into training for a marathon in the spring. It's tricky to make the running clinic times with Oscar's schedule but I think I need to try to make this work. I really enjoyed the last one that I did, and I think I was happier then. Life is good now, but I think I really need that outlet. I'm a fairly laid-back person, I think the intensity of hard exercise is good for me, both physically and emotionally.

Anyways, I thought writing this down will make me feel more committed to this. I think I'm going to work out some running goals to work towards until January when the clinic begins.

Now...I think I need to e-mail my friend and thank her for the motivation :)

1 comment:

amanda said...

you can do it!!! you are the best at motivating others in their lives, I should know, you do it for me on a daily basis!!!!! So my goal it to help you in anyway to keep you motivated to get to your goal!! I love you! Cheesy moment done, I promise!