Friday, November 13, 2009

A day at home

Sebastian asked to stay home today, so we cancelled plans for a hike with our family coop. He didn't leave his room until noon. Every time I checked on him, he was happily swinging off his bed while listening to his story on tape.

Ayla and I made bread together and then she washed cupboards. She then watched a video, while colouring and cutting pieces of paper. She has started to always keep her hands busy while watching videos. She made a cool little creation from paper, tape and staples the other day. She said it was a bird with one wing. It's been so interesting to watch this crafty side of her develop. Ayla is still quite active, but she is increasingly able to sit down and focus on an activity. When she decides that she wants to do or play something by herself, she can really focus her persistence and intensity on it. It's been great for me, I have to say, I can actually sit down during the day, and not have her automatically walk over looking for "nernies".

I got Sebastian to come down to practice piano, which led to the only conflict of the day; my frustration with Ayla interrupting, and Sebastian not putting in a sincere effort. After a few tears, it was happily resolved with group hugs and kisses (including Puck as he was laying on the couch shaking, poor anxious dog), and Ayla was able to keep herself occupied and Sebastian focused on what he had to do.

We had a walk in the woods with Puck and had a friend over to dinner. Sebastian and his friend are at the library watching Harry Potter and Ayla is in bed. She has been so tired lately, so no arguments about that from her. I've been trying to decide whether I'm worried about how tired she has been. She has just been draggy, and often visibly tired. Hopefully she'll perk up soon.

The boys are back from the library, so I better get going!

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