Sunday, February 21, 2010

Platts-Boyle Family - This Post Is For You!!

So, it turns out, some friendly pressure can work :)

Thought you guys would appreciate this picture!

I asked Ayla to shake her head back and forth really fast and then I took pictures. Sebastian tried too.

It sort of works, but I think you really have to commit to the vigorous shaking to get the full effect.

Ayla was fully committed.


cb said...

LOL!! I am sitting here with tears in my eyes!! Ayla is truly fullyu committed to making the face! Love the drool!!!!

sm said...

hey - i found you too
?? but confused about the reasons for the head shaking ??

amanda said...

just for the sake of goofy pictures!

gardening gal said...

everyone loves them!
and funny enough the kids really look alike when they are shaking heads!!
the drool was quite a good shot!