Monday, February 25, 2008

A good day

Today was a great day. We were coming off of the high of yesterday (trip to the zoo and a flat tire - doesn't get much more exciting than that). Sebastian joined Ayla and I in bed this morning for a cuddle (poor Oscar was off to work much earlier). We had a relaxed morning. A friend came over and Sebastian got to talk in much detail about Star Wars and I didn't have to be the one talking with him! A walk in the woods and lunch with our friend and then off to skating.

Ayla ran around the room with the other toddlers. Once, after another mother had corrected her behaviour, Ayla came to me almost crying. She then told me, "After her go and her no come back, THEN me push chair". I had a good laugh after that one! (but no, I didn't let her push the chair!)

After skating we did some groceries and then stopped in at a friend's house for a visit. The kids stayed there for a few minutes while I ran home and got dinner ready. We had a great dinner, chatting and joking. Ayla went to bed early and Sebastian and I got some much needed alone time to read and cuddle. There were no angry words exchanged today, no rushing the kids around. I had a great sense of community with our friends and one of closeness with the kids. Ahh...if only I could figure out how to make this happen every day :)

1 comment:

Molly said...

I think Mondays are often good days. This one sounds very nice.