Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Today was full of up and downs, especially for Ayla. We've had a couple of great days recently. Oscar was home today and for whatever reason that seemed to throw Ayla off. She's happy to see him but then cries frequently and wants me a lot. We went for a family hike this morning. We talked with Sebastian about possible ideas for the science fair. He talked about making concrete. this then lead to him telling us how people used to boil snails in order to make a dye. He learned this from his "Story of the World" cd's. I always enjoy listening to him tell me things that he has learned from these tapes, especially as he can usually repeat things verbatim! Oscar and Sebastian then headed off for some tubing at Chicopee. Ayla took advantage of the time to have plenty of "ahh". We also managed to fit many different games and puzzles in as well! This evening was a sad time for Ayla. She seems to be nervous about her doctor's appointment tommorrow. It is just her yearly checkup for her LM. Seeing her worry about it makes me very glad that we chose to do her surgery when she was younger! Lots of cuddles and she eventually drifted off to sleep.

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