Saturday, September 13, 2008

bouncing, bouncing and more bouncing

A couple of neighbours bought trampolines this summer and one family in particular has opened it up to the neighbourhood. The kids ask daily to go bounce. I limit our visits a bit more than that, but we are still over there frequently bouncing away. It has been yet another way of bringing the kids of different ages in our neighbourhood together. "Aaron the neighour boy" as Sebastian called him for years, is 13 now and we didn't see much of him in the late spring and beginning of summer. He and Sebastian have spent many, many hours together over the last few years and I sadly thought that had finally ended this summer. Then the trampoline appeared and they had some common ground once more. Now that school has begun, we see him less again but they still have connected several times in the last two weeks. I love the relationship that Sebastian has with him and hope to see it continue in some form!

Ayla and Sebastian were bouncing away today so I took the camera over to take some pics. It began to rain so I told them to stay on the tramp and not hurt each other while I quickly took the camera home. Halfway back I heard Sebastian begin to wail. I ran the rest of the way and found him with blood pouring out of his nose and lip. He had managed to knee himself in the face and split his lip! He did this a week ago on our bed as well (I wonder if it has something to do with his legs getting all long and gangly :)

I love Ayla's hair in the last picture. If only my hair would bounce like that :)

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