Thursday, March 6, 2008

Deep thoughts

I took Sebastian to see a show at the Riverrun today. Oscar was off work so Ayla stayed with him. Sebastian played with some friends after the show for a few minutes and then we began our walk home. We passed the war memorial on the way and, as always, Sebastian asked me to read the poem "In Flander's Fields" to him. We continued on our way. Sebastian then began a conversation that covered the following topics: the two world wars, a possible (in his mind) 3rd world war in Afghanistan, the questions "why am I me?" and "when is the world going to end?" and "because the world is round, if we were standing in Antarctica would we be upside down?"
He then shared that he had found a bit of the show that we had watched to be scary. I felt so grateful that we have all this time to spend together and that I get these opportunities to hear what he is thinking. Because he sure seems to have a lot on his mind.

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