Wednesday, March 5, 2008

snow day!

We got a bunch of snow last night. The kids were quite excited about it when they woke up. One of the boys in the neighbourhood stayed home for the day so he and Sebastian spent the day together. This gave Ayla and I plenty of time for cuddles and "ahh". The kids all played outside for the afternoon and then again in the evening. Ayla was very excited to see another "neighbour boy" who we haven't seen much of lately. I love how the kids in our neighbourhood play together. They have always included Sebastian in their play and now Ayla jumps right in. They watch out for her and are often quicker than me to remind her of various things (you know the important stuff like get off the road!) She loves the attention and rolls around and wrestles with them. Sebastian showed her how to use his snowboard tonight and she was riding down our little hill! We have all been getting rather tired of winter but today was wonderful. Many of the neighbours were out shovelling and visiting this evening. And of course, it's always nice when the kids come in and go straight to bed! Ayla actually told me that she was tired and that it was time to go up to bed. Let me tell you, Ayla does not usually say these kinds of things!

1 comment:

Molly said...

I like the naked chef look.