Thursday, March 27, 2008

piano lessons

Sebastian started taking piano lesson in February. He has been enjoying the lessons and is starting to get into a rhythm with practising. One aspect of the practising which I had not anticipated is the amount of "written" work to be done. Sebastian went through a time about one and a half to two years ago where he liked to do written work in different workbooks, etc. Since then, he has not sought out any structured book work and has not been interested when I suggest it. I've been OK with this, I figure he'll seek it out when he needs to. Now, I find that I am enjoying the bit of formal structure this brings to our day. He was resistant to the work at first. I let him know that it is his decision whether or not to complete it. He has been more eager to complete the work in the last few weeks. It helps that his teacher is a home-schooling mom and is willing to go at his pace.

He has also been mentioning that he is reading things at times. During the last year, he has not wanted to try to learn to read and has really withdrawn from any interaction in which he felt there was pressure to try it. Again, I felt fine with not pushing it. He seems to be feeling more confident recently and willing to share his learning process a bit more. He'll point out words to me in different locations and tell me that he is reading them. He knows what they say, I'm not sure if he is actually reading them or picking up other visual clues that help him figure out what the word says. Either way, I'm happy that he feels that he can include me a bit in the process.

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